Cleanrex JG

Cleanrex JG is an aliphatic solvent-based washing agent. It contains selected aromatic hydrocarbons and specially matched surfactants. It removes greases, oils, soot and other industrial contaminants. It contains no halogens. It is characterized by a low content of aromatic hydrocarbons. It does not emit toxic vapours and has a gentle smell. It will not emulsify with water. When dried, it provides temporary corrosion protection to steel surfaces.


  • Effectively and efficiently acting agent for the cleaning and removing of dense and heavy industrial contamination caused by crude oil derivatives.
  • It is intended for washing internal combustion engines and their components, cleaning mechanical gear-boxes, chains, bearings and filters, and the washing of gaseous and liquid fuel tanks. It removes carbon deposits and formations, old grease and oils.
  • It replaces the washing agents which have been used until now such as kerosene, crude oil or naphtha extract.

  • Cleanrex JG (Technical Data Sheet)


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