- SPC Rubber Fender
- Marine Rubber Fender
- Marine Rubber Fender
- Marine Rubber Fender
The purpose of the Marine Rubber Fender system is to serve as a bumper to protect the hull and berthing facility from damage when vessels berth alongside.
Another function is to operate as a shock absorbed by absorbing the berthing energy of a vessel on the berthing impact to the berth and hull.
Therefore the two main functions of the fendering system are:
1) To perform as a bumper to protect the hull and berthing facility from damage.
2) To perform as a shock absorber on the berthing operation.
The adoption of a suitable fendering system will help to ensure smooth berthing operation. Hence it is important to give priority to the selection of a fendering system that can actually reduce the whole berthing facility construction cost, instead of simply choosing low-cost fenders.
Basic Items for Fender's Design & Selection:
A) Berthing energy
B) Allowable reaction force from fender to the structure
C) Allowable hull (surface) pressure
D) Position and area to be protected by fendering system
E) Natural force (wind, current, wave)