€500 m Saved in Goreh-Jask Pipeline Construction

The CEO of the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company said: “Domestic manufacturing of the equipment for the construction of the 1,000-kilometer Goreh-Jask pipeline, which is now 80 percent complete, has saved the country 500 million Euroes in hard currency.”

According to IRNA, Touraj Dehghani pointed to forging half of the pumps required for the project, and said that 780 km of the 1,000 km pipeline had been sent to the workshop and was being welded.

He said that the first phase of the project would be ready for operation by the end of this calendar year to March 20, 2021, with the aim of creating a transfer capacity of more than 300,000 barrels of crude oil.

So far, physical progress in this phase has exceeded 80%, which is more than 780 km of pipes. The delivery site and more than 400 km of piping have been done, and according to the plan, the entire stretch of ​​the pipeline, which is about a thousand kilometers, will be installed, tested and operational by the end of this calendar year.

The CEO of the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company added: “More than 95% of the goods and services required in this project have been provided by using local potentialities, and by localization of the equipment, more than 500 million Euros have been saved.” The approved credit of the plan is 1.5 billion Euros.

News Code: 23





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