Pre-Registration of more than 400 Firms in 14th IranPlast

The director of IranPlast International Exhibition said more than 400 companies have so far pre-registered in the showcase, adding: “Registration for the 14th IranPlast exhibition continues and it is expected that the number of companies will gradually increase.”

According to the National Petrochemical Company (NPC), Ayub Banavi said on Sunday that this year, due to the sanctions and the spread of the coronavirus, IranPlast Exhibition will be held from December 26 to 29 with a different approach.

He said that with the permission received from the National COVID-19 Headquarters, this specialized exhibition will be held in the presence of specialists and experts.

He said: “This year, the organizer of the exhibition has changed and one of the companies approved by the Trade Development Organization will carry out executive activities. Fortunately, so far more than 400 companies have pre-registered on the exhibition’s website.”

Banavi added: “Registration is still ongoing and the number of companies is expected to increase gradually.”

The director of IranPlast Exhibition continued: “This year, due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the IranPlast Policy Council has approved that a virtual exhibition be held at the same time as IranPlast, and companies participating in the exhibition can visit the showcase for three weeks if they wish.”

News Code: 11




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